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11/3/2009 - Another page
As you might have guessed, things still aren't back to normal here, so I apologize (again) for not writing more often. But here is at least one more page for now.

8/24/2009 - Back to writing
It took a while, but I'm back to writing again. I still don't have a job (yet), but here's at least another long page. I'll try to get back on track again from now.

5/4/2009 - Shorter pages until further notice
You may have noticed that today's page is shorter than usual. Unfortunately, I lost my job last week, and this has had a big impact on my life at this point. I will still try to get at least some material ready and out for every monday, but until further notice this material may be shorter than previous pages so far. I hope this phase will go over soon so I can concentrate on the story again.

4/27/2009 - New Book, and new Bookmark feature
The new book starts today - I hope you enjoy it.
I also added a new bookmark feature (some code used with permission by the author of my favorite online comic, GPF Comics): If you are in the middle of reading and want to bookmark the page you are on, click SET in the Bookmarks box. Your current page will be saved in a harmless cookie (unless your browser is set to block them), and next time you come to this page, click RESTORE to go back to the page you were last reading.

4/20/2009 - End of Book One
That's it, the first book is finished, and the second one is already in progress. So next week a new story will begin. And yes, I am keeping things widely open on purpose - of course! I hope everyone reading enjoyed my story so far.

4/3/2009 - Site updates
After analyzing my web traffic and realizing that people have been either stopping at the "Latest Page" or skipping page 2 (no idea how), I decided to make navigation of this page easier.
In my original design, I had FIRST, PREVIOUS, NEXT and LATEST buttons like online comics do, but I do realize that my design is a litte more simple than those pages. So, off with the head... I mean, header, and on with a simple "continued from" and "continued on" text based navigation right at the beginning and end of the text of each page.
I hope that'll help. Wouldn't want anyone to miss pages here, hehe.

3/5/2009 - Site opened
I know, this entry is "posthumous" since I am actually writing it nearly a month after I first started the page...
But I thought I should write a few lines commemorating the launch of this site, so congratulations to me and all that Jazz! Woohoo!


This page and all of its content is © 2009 by Richard Lund
Please do not distribute any content or parts of it without my permission



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